A Corner of the Meadow

sketchbook page

3.50 p.m., 91℉, 34℃ in direct sun, which is filtered through a veil of cloud with lower cumulus coming in from the south-east: A small hoverfly is fascinated by the lime green top of my pen and explores it as I draw.


A blackbird is softly scolding and a female sparrow eyes me warily from the hedge.

my little meadow area
My small meadow area, next to the revamped compost bins, has been rather neglected this summer but it’s getting nearer to what I want. On this small scale I’m now aiming to put in plenty of plants for pollinators and manage those as the seasons go by, rather than attempt to create a traditional hay meadow.

Most unusual sighting is two Typhoons flying over, turning about on manoeuvre.


fat-hen and sowthistle
Fat-hen and Perennial Sowthistle

On our walk around Carr Gate, near Wakefield, yesterday, fat-hen, a common weed, was growing on a grass verge alongside a slip road and perennial sowthistle at the side of the track by a small wood.


Fat-hen, Chenopodium album, is in the goosefoot and orache family. The similar-looking common orache also grows as a weed in similar habitats and is also typical of open ground by the sea, so it can be found on roadside verges which get salt spray from de-icing.

Whitlow Grass

common whitlow grass, Erophila verna

weederophilaSo far I’m struggling to identify this little weed. Possibly common whitlow grass, Erophila verna. As my drawing is is just an inch and a half across, I’ve scanned it at a higher res to show a bit more detail but I’m not drawing it with the aid of a hand lens so my slightly blurred macro photograph is better for showing details of the flowers and seed-pods.


slug on sow-thistlesow-thistle leafsow-thistleWe get several dandelion relatives in the garden. This is smooth sowthistle, Sonchus oleraceus. Note the slug that has already made itself at home in the rosette of leaves.

Sow-thistle stems ooze a milky sap when broken, so the slug must have a way of dealing with this latex.