Just Right

Just Right cereal boxes

I’ve been reading up on graphic design and typography recently, so I couldn’t help noticing that Kellogg’s recently revamped the carton of their Just Right breakfast cereal.

  • call-outs and badges have gone or have been toned down
  • the outline and drop shadow of the ‘Just Right’ logo have gone
  • the emerald green gradient in the background has been replaced with a solid background of leaf green
  • the product shot has gone from oblique to plan view
  • splash of milk omitted
  • the ‘Kellogg’s’ logo is less legible, as it’s red on the a similar tone of green, but it’s much larger, so much that it gets cropped off the front of the pack

I thought that the shape of the pack had changed too, because its got a calmer, less cluttered look, but it’s exactly the same size. There’s been a similar revamp of some of the other Kellogg’s cereals, so they make a distinctive group on the supermarket shelf. I think they’ve pitched it ‘Just Right’ . . . in the Goldilocks Zone. Although she preferred porridge.

‘Less is more’

Busy cover of one of my walks booklets.

In my book design, I like to pack my pages with illustrations, comic strips and maps but there’s a lot of truth in the phrase ‘sometimes less is more’. If I’m reading through a book, rather than dipping into it for reference, I appreciate calm, clear design.

Potato Heads

potato heads

We’ve been chitting our Maris Peer second earlies on the back bedroom windowsill but we took the plunge yesterday and planted them at about a spade’s depth but as an extra precaution earthed the rows up, so that by the time the first sprouts show above ground, there’s a good chance that we’ll have had the last of the frost.