
spire model

My first day – my first ever day – with a very faint positive test for Covid-19 and I’m taking the chance of being grounded to catch up with my cardboard model of St Peter’s Church, Horbury, spire for my John Carr tricentenary exhibit in the Redbox Gallery.

Barbara’s brother John unfortunately caught covid at the hospice but, as of this morning when we made a video call to him, he wasn’t showing any covid symptoms.

Model Making

model making
tape dispenser

My model of St Peter’s Church spire is taking shape, glue gunned and masking taped together from strips cut from cardboard cartons.

My theory is that making a model will help me understand John Carr’s architecture. I need the model to have a handmade look, so I’m doing the whole thing by eye, working from a line drawing that I made of the church thirty years ago.

These were drawn on my iPad Pro in Clip Studio Paint using the ‘Real G-Pen’, as was the drawing of the sofa below.


The model making was coloured using the lasso fill tool, the sofa and mug using the Rough Wash Watercolour brush.
