Chicken Superheroes

chicken spuperheroes
You know what they say, never work with children or chickens. ‘En and Vorwerk were standing in the wrong positions for this group photo. There goes any chance of a Marvel franchise. Perhaps DC Comics would be interested in the film rights . . .

With a few memorable exceptions, the chickens I have known have been remarkably relaxed, contentedly clucking to themselves, but supposing chickens had another secret life and had to use their superpowers to save the planet (yes, superpowers to save the planet, not superglue).


First out of their secret high tech hideout, MoreHen, a muscle-bound hunk of a hen.

Hen & Pencil

hen pencil animation

After the unpredictable floppy rabbit’s ears in my last animation, I decided to try a pencil stage with this alarmed chicken.

This wasn’t drawn directly in pencil in my sketchbook as suggested here – although a flick-book would be fun to try – it’s the pencil tool in Clip Studio Paint. I shall now move on to the inking stage.

hen sketch