Howgate Wonder


Breakfast time: A female squirrel tries several times to climb the bird feeder pole but soon works out that she’s not going to get beyond the baffle. She climbs one of the cordon apple trees to assess the possibilities then climbs onto the hawthorn hedge and leaps across.

She’d make short work of our plastic bird feeders so I’ve relocated the pole a few feet further from the hedge, making sure that it’s not too close to the clothes prop holding up the washing line, a route that we’ve seen squirrels use to get to the feeders in the past.


Afternoon: A few honey bee-sized bees are continually visiting the blossoms of our Howgate Wonder double-cordon apple, sometimes chased off by a second bee or by a small, dark, cigar-shaped hoverfly.

Golden Spire, apple beginning to form

The blossom has now gone from our single cordon Golden Spire and the apples are just beginning to form.

Golden spire

Apple Blossom


As I draw, bees, including two different species of bumble bees, and a small hoverfly are continually busy on the blossoms of our single cordon Golden Spire cooking apple. The single-stemmed seven-foot tall tree can’t possibly as many apples as there are blossoms but we can thin the little apples out to two or three per cluster and, if we don’t, it will shed a few anyway.