Hospice Cherry Trees

tree and leaf sketches
Hospice grounds

Flowering cherry (or some other kind of Prunus?) at the hospice this morning.

Blackbirds are singing, wood pigeons occasionally perch in the branches but the most remarkable bird was a red kite, seen from the car park.

Crystal Dendrite

Crystal dendrite on flagstone

In a flagstone just outside John’s patio windows, these dendritic crystals look like the fossil of a tree but they’re actually crystals – perhaps of manganese as they’re black – that have grow across the layers of this flagstone, in a similar from to the ice crystals in a snowflake.

Cherry at the Hospice

cherry tree sketches

The cherry trees surrounding the Hospice are all the same age and currently they’re being lopped back. Hopefully they’ll burst into blossom again, but we might have to wait until next year until they’ve fully recovered.


This Stewartia, possibly Japanese Stewartia, should flower about this time of year, but we didn’t spot any flowers open

Cherry at Brodsworth