Sherlock Holmes’ streetwise Baker Street Irregulars were adept at making discrete searches of riverside wharves and back alleys and the new gang in Tom Bidwell’s The Irregulars, launching tomorrow on Netflix, shouldn’t have any problems blending seamlessly into the crowd, provided they’re making their enquiries during the height of London Fashion Week.

Royce Pierreson’s ever-discrete Watson has dug out his old service revolver – perfect for undercover work – while Billy (Jojo Macari) walks softly and carries an enormous drumstick. Spike (McKell David), a character who appears to be as moody as Heathcliff but who dresses like Harpo Marx, favours a large blunderbuss.

The cast in costumes designed by Edward K. Gibbon appear in this week’s Radio Times, as does Sherlock (Henry Lloyd-Hughes) himself, who doesn’t appear until several episodes into the series.

Lloyd-Hughes looks very much as I picture the original Sherlock. Benedict Cumberbatch as Holmes also features in the article.

As does the actor who appeared in more screen adaptations of Sherlock Holmes stories than anyone else, Jeremy Brett. We were lucky to get to see Brett alongside Edward Hardwicke as Dr Watson in The Secret of Sherlock Holmes at Bradford’s Alhambra Theatre. The Irregulars have a tough act to follow, but it looks as if it will be a lot of fun.
The Irregulars on Netflix