Alder Bark

alder bark

As I sat drawing this alder at the lakeside at Newmillerdam I felt something drop on my back. An alder cone? No. My shirt needed to go in the wash. Not sure who was responsible but I’m guessing that the wood pigeon is the first one that I need to rule out of my enquiries.



Whitebeam growing by the canal at the Strands, downstream from Horbury Bridge.

Categorized as Trees



A whitebeam, berries starting to ripen, in a car park in Normanton.


alder sketch

They’re restoring the old water mill at Newmillerdam, re-using the flagstone roof tiles, a job that involves a lot of work with power tools so I’ve made my way along the lakeside to draw this multi-stemmed alder.

drawing the alder


This Stewartia, possibly Japanese Stewartia, should flower about this time of year, but we didn’t spot any flowers open

Cherry at Brodsworth

Small Sketchbook


Recent sketches from my pocket sketchbook, colour mostly added later. Sometimes I’ll take a photograph for colour reference but with these I’ve added the colour as I remember it.

tree and duck sketches
I checked out my memory of the colour of the ducks in a field guide.

Blackthorn Blossom


We’re on a north-facing slope, so the blackthorn blossom appears late and is still hanging on.

There are clusters of cream flowers on the bay, we haven’t noticed them in previous years. Bay is a member of the Lauraceae, the laurel family.