A Portrait of John Carr

cartoon of John Carr

We’ve got a tricentenary coming up: John Carr, at various times through his life a stone mason, bridge surveyor, architect and Mayor of York, was born in Horbury, in a cottage that still stands at the lower end of Cluntergate, in 1723.

I’m designing an exhibit for the town’s Redbox Gallery, in the repurposed telephone box on Queen Street. Perhaps a three dimensional version of my cartoon, drawn for a birthday card a year or two ago, would be an eye-catching solution and an excuse to bake a three-tier cake for the launch party.

St Peter's

We want to get away from the portrait of him at the height of his success, looking like a rather stuffy Georgian gentleman.

Categorized as Drawing

The St Valentine’s Day Fire


Royal College of Art, Valentine’s Day, Wednesday 14 February 1972: Today at 11 o’clock a dreadful fire. The College shop on the Ground Floor was in flames. Painting my mural in the college greenhouse, I at first thought the alarm was a distant circular saw but I was puzzled by why so many people were hurrying through.


The smoke was funnelled up the stair well and got into the greenhouse. From the courtyard I could see it billowing out of the windows. At least 7 birds are dead. Of course small birds are very susceptible to fumes.

I sketched four of the dead birds on the following Friday.

(adapted from my student diary and sketchbook)

Photography Course

me as a student

The following week, I had a break from the painting when I took the college’s three-week photography course, which I’ve written about previously in this Wild Yorkshire blog.


On the following Thursday, after a morning of photography at the Chelsea Physic Garden, I met up with my tutor John Norris Wood. Judging from my conversation with him he’d spotted the flaws in my workflow and I haven’t changed much fifty years later!

The Demise of the College Greenhouse

note about greenhouse

In 1985 this appeal for help in the college greenhouse appeared in student newsletter. My thanks to Sarah Mercer, Digitisation Officer (Special Collections), at the college library for spotting this and to Henrietta Goodden for passing it on to me.

The greenhouse would soon be repurposed as a drawing studio. The Rector, Jocelyn Stevens offered to rehouse the birds in his own greenhouse.

Tchaikovsky Concert

at the bank
A visit to the bank . . . luckily I wasn’t overdrawn (just sketched in very quickly).

And just one more piece of ephemera: ‘The highlight of today,’ I recorded in my diary for 11th February, ‘was the Tchaikovsky concert; Nutcracker, Piano Concerto No. 1, Capriccio Italien, Swan Lake and, with cannons and the Coldstream Guards, the 1812 overture.’

The Hindlegs

February 1995: the only time that I played the title role in a theatrical production, but as this was a Wakefield further education evening class production improvised from a John Wain short story The Death of the Hindlegs that did mean I was playing the hind legs of a pantomime donkey.

But my niece Sarah, then aged (almost) five, spotted a shortcoming in my moving death scene: ‘Uncle Richard, I could tell that you weren’t really dead because I could see that you were still breathing.’

The action took place on stage and back stage but my elaborate set never got built. The audience had to use their imagination.

The people include my fellow thespians, my nephew James, sister Linda, mum Gladys (but preferred her second name Joan) and our goddaughter Helen with a short-eared rabbit (she still keeps rabbits!)

Categorized as Drawing


50th birthday cartoon
Womble card

Happy birthday to Rob.

Radio Times photograph

Disambiguation: Rob isn’t the ‘Pirate Rob’ featured in Ben Fogle’s New Lives in the Wild on Tuesday. Although we think that the dreadlocks would suit him.

Categorized as Drawing

Secondary Feather

Feather that I picked up by the track at St Aidan’s yesterday and I think that it’s a secondary from the right wing of a goose. A large flock of pink-footed geese went over, touching down at the Astley Lake end of the reserve.

Digital Colour


A juvenile great-crested grebe, drawn on the iPad with shadow areas and colour added on separate layers, which are set to ‘multiply’. Latest exercise in my Introduction to Procreate course.

Questions about Drawing

My thanks to Henrietta Goodden, senior tutor, in Fashion at the Royal College of Art, 1991-2010, for the questions and prompts

Why is it that some people can draw naturally?

One of my student sketchbooks, Royal College of Art

Drawing does seem to be with some people from a very early age, and the same seems to be true about music. My nephew could follow a tune before he could talk and he went on to make a career of performing, composing and arranging music.

I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t fascinated by drawing. My older sister Linda once said that as a child as soon as I woke up I’d have a pencil in my hand.

River in Inverness, 2011

There are cases of people taking up art later in life but I think that for most of the illustrators and painters that I’ve known the urge to draw started very early but I’d struggle to say why.

My mother was keen on drawing, painting and various crafts. On on her side the family I had ancestors in Sheffield who made and designed spring knife blades, so perhaps there’s a genetic element.


In some ways I don’t find drawing and painting easy as I’ve got shaky hands and a mild red/green colour blindness. Perhaps pushing against those physical disadvantages made me a bit more determined and fascinated by the process than my school friends who could draw straight lines and match colours with a greater facility than I could.

Is it from a wish to record observations?

The walk to school in 1965; there were 7 factory chimneys at Horbury Bridge, plus hundreds of domestic coal fires even, happy days, steam trains on the railway and marshalling yards, so you can imagine blackened trees and buildings were.

There’s an element of that. I’ve got a notebook from 1960, written and illustrated when I was eight or nine years old and it’s full of observations of birds, flowers, fish, rocks and landscapes. I even wrote a little article on how to keep an nature notebook and how to set up a little museum of natural history finds: feathers, shells, seaweeds etc.

But the other strand in my work was creating imaginative worlds, although I wasn’t drawn to fantasy and fairy stories instead I tried to create comic strip versions of films and books I’d been inspired by including Moby Dick, Ben Hur and The Long Ships.

Illustrators often seem to be good narrators

I tend to go blank when I try to think up an imaginative story but I soon get into writing mini-scripts if I start with a vivid character first. During the first lockdown, when ‘non-essential’ shops shut down and we couldn’t go browsing for suitable birthday cards for relatives, I took to drawing homemade cards.

Once I’ve got a few starting points I can start to create a character and a world for that character to inhabit. Apart from the fun of drawing the characters and settings, the fascination is in trying to get a gag to work in a clear way, in effect to tell a little story in one cartoon or a few frames of a comic.

For me drawing seems to relate to memory. I always feel that I tend to remember details from years ago that some of my friends and relatives forget. I kept a diary from my secondary school days, through college and in a way I’ve continued that through my Wild Yorkshire blog.

And do you think it can be taught from scratch? It’s such an important part of a designer’s tools and nowadays I get the impression that art schools don’t consider it important.

My first job on leaving college was teaching life drawing and illustration to a class of graphic designers at the local art school. I couldn’t believe how little interest most of them took in drawing. They were enthusiastic about graphic design but seemed to consider a morning drawing from life as a side issue.

If people have the manual dexterity to write I don’t see why they shouldn’t be able to learn to draw. I’ve tried going through the exercises in Betty Edwards’ Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain and I think that should work as an introduction to drawing. I also tried John Ruskin’s Elements of Drawing. And today I picked up two attractive large format Dorling Kindersley books from the library, Sarah Simblet’s Drawing for the Artist and Botany for the Artist.

Drawing is a great subject as a child can just wade in and produce characterful drawings without any training but, if you want to go deeper, there’s always more to learn.

Do you remember who else was on your course when you were there, and who else was teaching?

From my year at the Royal College of Art, I’m still in touch via social media with printmaker John Ross and illustrators Colin West, Jacqui Atkinson, Hazel MacIntosh and Shelagh Wozniak (formerly McGee?). In recent years I’ve also heard from painters Elizabeth Butterworth and James Horton.

Wise advice from John Norris Wood

My main illustration tutors were Brian Robb, John Norris Wood and to a lesser extent Quentin Blake. I met up weekly with graphic design tutors Malcolm Winton and later Doug Coyne.

As I was painting the ‘mural’ for the greenhouse, I also had advice from Bateson Mason, Leonard Rosoman and Colin (surname escapes my memory). In printing I think the main tutor or technician who advised me was Harry Greenway (?), but one of his colleagues was equally helpful.


When working on projects involving fossils I was able to speak to some of the experts just across the road in the Natural History Museum, particularly fossil plant expert Cedric Shute.

Halfpenny Lane

John, who was doing well this morning after a not-so-good weekend, has a view of a grassy bank with cherry trees from his room on the sunny side of the Prince of Wales Hospice, Halfpenny Lane, Pontefract.

The local bus, which I painted from memory with a red stripe was actually blue, as I realised when I saw the next one come around.

My All Sorts of Walks in Liquorice Country features a walk along Halfpenny Lane and my Walks in Robin Hood’s Yorkshire also has a Pontefract connection. Now available on the Prince of Wales Hospice bookshelf!

walks booklets

Five weeks ago this morning, while I drew Canada geese, John and Barbara walked around Newmillerdam Lake, a circuit of about two miles. Four weeks ago he wasn’t feeling so good and they walked by the duck pond in Thornes Park. This morning walking to the other side of the room and back was quite an achievement.