Earl ‘Eaton

Drawing the Archibald Stanton cartoon

Drawn with a Canada goose quill that I picked up at Cannon Hall last week, another colourful candidate in our Wakefield by-election: Sir Archibald Stanton, Earl ‘Eaton, Monster Raving Loony Party.

Archibald Stanton cartoon.

A Little Fish


Happy birthday to Simon, who’s been dipping his toes in the water in Brighton.

Brighton cartoon

Creature Count

Our first attempt at the Great Yorkshire Creature Count got off to a good start with four elephant hawkmoths in the moth trap this morning, along with peppered moth, flame and heart and dart. I left the box wedged right up against the hedge under the crab apple so that they don’t get picked off by the birds.

I set up the trail cam on the bird table this morning but caught only the regular visitors.

Smooth newts are on the list of creatures that the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust would like us to count, so I did a bit of pond dipping. While I was at it, I skimmed off the duckweed and started taking out the slimy algae that has built up and sunk down into the pond, but this was where most of the newts were hunkered down, so I’ll leave that for another day.


Woodpigeon, dunnock, starling, bullfinch, chaffinch, magpie, greenfinch
Butterfly: Large skipper
Moths (UV trap): peppered moth, common swift, elephant hawkmoth, the flame, heart and dart

I know a lot of the species that the YWT Creature Count is asking use monitor are present but they didn’t show up on the day and I didn’t go digging about to find them.

I tried an overnight trail cam but whatever triggered it once in the middle of the night didn’t show up in the video clip.


Yorkshire Wildlife Trust