Testing my new Browning Strike Force Pro XD trail cam yesterday in the back garden: at night in infrared mode on red fox and in daylight on grey squirrel, juvenile blackbird and dunnocks.
We think there may be two foxes; the first, with a bushy tail appears at 10.13 p.m., then ten minutes later there’s a similar-looking fox crossing the screen and finally, at 10.26, a fox with an apparently thinner tail with a lighter tip to it appears to notice the infrared light and it heads off.

The following night we recorded no fox activity, so I hope that we haven’t put them off with the infrared.
Hi Richard!
I think it is the same faox, but just a different angle of view shows the white spot -…
But perhaps you now have other sightings!
Thanks for all your “wild Yorkshire” – even the rhubarb..
Mary and I are doing fine in Chicago – regards – Gordon
Good to hear from you again. The latest news from Smeath House: Becky, Marcus and Sebastian have moved on (they’re wanting to take in parents but they didn’t think Smeath lent itself to that) but the good news is that the new couple (with their new baby) are converting the cellar into a wine cellar. It might be time for us to visit again