Lost in Space

spaceman animation

James, appearing on my most recent homemade birthday card, is the plucky test pilot for my latest experiment in animation. Like the fox, this was adapted from an existing pen and watercolour comic, using Clip Studio Paint on the iMac and on my iPad Pro. It’s a whole lot easier to cut out the component parts using an Apple Pencil for the Selection Pen and Eraser.

Slightly Foxed

fox animated gif

My thanks to Tielmanc for his step-by-step tutorial Animate Your Existing Characters | Keyframes Tutorial, which popped up in a Clip Studio Paint e-mail yesterday. He makes the point that you don’t need to redraw a character to animate it, just carefully break up your drawing into component parts and fill in the missing areas.

His example was a farmer dog, so I’ve gone for this cartoon I drew of the fox that visits our garden.

Now that I’m not completely foxed about the principles involved, I can go on to something more ambitious.


Animate Your Existing Characters | Keyframes Tutorial