Profile of a Ram

A Swaledale Ram in profile. Like a gunslinger or a boxer in the run-up to a contest he’s got a steady gaze and half smile. In keeping with this tough guy image he’s wearing a sheepskin jacket and understated ear pearcings. Rather like the action heroes of the 1960s – Patrick McGoohan’s ‘Number 9’ and Sean Connery’s ‘007’ – we’re introduced to him simply as a number: ‘1624’ (the year in which Louis XIII built a hunting lodge at Versailles and appointed Cardinal Richelieu as his chief minister).

There’s a hint of ‘Eye of Horus’ makeup. Also known as the Wadjet, the Eye of Horus was a symbol of protection, royal power and good health, but the horns are more reminiscent of Ammon, later know as Amon-Ra, who often wore ram’s horns.

This idea caught on and Alexander the Great was depicted wearing ram’s horns and Michelangelo added a small pair of horns to his statue of Moses.

Categorized as Drawing

Swaledale Ram

I’m used to sheep looking sheepishly at me when I try to photograph them before hurrying off to join the rest of the flock but this ram held his ground and looked right back at me.

Hens are so expressive and this one had a fed-up demeanour about her that suited the wet afternoon. Perfect weather for geese though. I’m guessing this is the gander, puffing himself up indignantly as we stop to take a look at the little flock.

Categorized as Drawing