
This afternoon we’ve had a succession of showers with odd bursts of sun between, so the lighting on these shelter belt sycamores has been changing as I painted. Again, there was no initial drawing for this, not even a pencil outline.

Categorized as Drawing

A Sycamore Shelter Belt

My usual approach would be to start with the structure and draw the trees first but I’ve gone for a more traditional watercolour technique, painting in the background in light washes, as if the trees weren’t there at all.

Half way stage: background and foliage.

Next came splodges of green, the top ones darker against the sky, and then, after allowing that to dry, I painted in the trunks and branches in a dull, dark brown.

The rooks appeared as I was starting to go back over the whole thing, trying to bring it all together.

Categorized as Drawing