Vapourer Moth Caterpillar

The four cream ‘shaving brushes’ on the back of the Vapourer moth caterpillar, Orgyia antiqua, make it easy to identify and presumably make predators think twice about trying to eat it.
This was nibbling away with three or four vapourer caterpillars on willow leaves by the woodland ride at Thorpe Marsh nature reserve. Larger numbers of vapourers can have a devastating effect on city trees.

Wasp Beetle

The wasp beetleClytus arietis, does a good job of mimicking a hunting wasp but is harmless. Its larvae live in deciduous timber.

This one was taking a break on a dog daisy growing at the edge of a woodland ride, once a railway, on the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust’s Thorpe Marsh nature reserve, near Doncaster.


Thorpe Marsh YWT reserve