Happy birthday to James and, as Mars is in opposition next week, hope his big present is an image stabilised starscope.
Richard Bell's nature sketchbook since 1998
Happy birthday to James and, as Mars is in opposition next week, hope his big present is an image stabilised starscope.
Great Star Wars party at the weekend. Happy birthday today to Ruby. Or, as they’d say in Wookieespeak . . .
From a galaxy far, far away . . .
At first they welcomed the surge in interest but soon the good people of Grosmont began to regret that Hans Solo had told all his friends about the great time he’d had visiting Yorkshire.
Happy birthday to Iris (who fortunately doesn’t need as many candles on her cake as Yoda.
And I should explain that Hans Solo himself was recently spotted filming on the North Yorks Moors Railway. Although on this occasion Harrison Ford was playing Indiana Jones.