These characters are the Vladimir and Estragon of nursery rhyme mice, so a dim and glowering background suits the piece, and fits in with the ‘lost in the Scottish Borders’ setting.
Richard Bell's nature sketchbook since 1998
These characters are the Vladimir and Estragon of nursery rhyme mice, so a dim and glowering background suits the piece, and fits in with the ‘lost in the Scottish Borders’ setting.
The tones and textures were added to these pen and ink mice by using a clipping mask in Adobe Fresco. For the comic that I’ve got in mind, Mouse 1, Row 2, is the one to go for, drawn with Fresco’s ‘watercolor wet spatter’ brush. I want to rather dreary and slightly disconcerting look, like a production of Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. If it was a Victorian story, I’d go to town with the ‘cross hatch’ from the selection of ‘Comic’ brushes.
I’ve drawn the sleeping dog and the cat and mouse as cut outs today but it looks as if we won’t have room for the dog.
‘Not a creature is stirring . . .’ in my Night Before Christmas scene but how do I imply that the mouse isn’t going to end up as a midnight snack for the cat?
I’m going for more of a cartoon look for the mouse.
Although I’d follow Beatrix Potter’s method of not adding much in the way of costume when she needed to emphasise the animal nature of her character.