My Lowe Alpine haversack, drawn in dip pen and De Atramentis Document Ink.
Richard Bell's nature sketchbook since 1998
My Lowe Alpine haversack, drawn in dip pen and De Atramentis Document Ink.
Because I mostly draw in pen with a watercolour wash, when it comes to black and white, I find that the most natural way for me to use brush and ink is to add solid areas to a pen drawing.
I’ve drawn my new Lowe Alpine Edge 22 hiking day pack (our old pack was starting to tear along the seams) with my Lamy Safari with the B nib filled with Noodler’s Black Ink then used a number 6 sable and Rohrer’s Indian Ink (see previous post) for the dark areas.
The grey straps and a few shadows in the side pockets were the only areas that I thought would merit solid black but I’ve used a lot of fine brush strokes, often following the weave of the material, for the grey areas. In fact the bag is monochromatic, in two shades of neutral grey.
I like the way that you can tail off a brushstroke to get a pointed line to represent a graded tone. The crisp lines give a woodcut effect.
I used the threshold adjustment in Photoshop in the final version of the drawing (above) to reduce the drawing to pure black and white.
Lowe Alpine Edge 22 hiking day pack