Some possibilities for using the library logo in a letterhead. Hopefully the secretary won’t be misquoting Cicero’s Latin as in the placeholder text of my mocked-up example.
Richard Bell's nature sketchbook since 1998
Some possibilities for using the library logo in a letterhead. Hopefully the secretary won’t be misquoting Cicero’s Latin as in the placeholder text of my mocked-up example.
There are two vital skills that you need if you’re going to design a logo based on an architectural facade: organisation and analytical thinking. Despite my shortcomings in those departments, I have managed what I think will be a usable logo for the friends of the local library.
After struggling with Procreate I’ve constructed this, layer by layer, in the program that I’m most familiar with, Adobe Photoshop, with a bit of help from Adobe Illustrator for those carved panels and, my favourite detail, the curly ironwork on the newly restored weather vane.
I’m designing a logo for the Friends of our local library, and Arts and Crafts style Carnegie Free Library and I’m struggling to get the precision I need for a simple graphic that can be reproduced at various sizes, including on a letterhead.
I’ve been learning all I can about Procreate and it should be simple to design it in the program but, as so often, my shaky hands are letting me down. For some projects I would welcome the wobble as it gives can make an intimidating facade look more friendly – and this is for a ‘Friends’ group after all -but I’ve decided to go for a program that enables even me to easily produce precise geometric shapes and I’ve gone to Adobe Illustrator.
But I might come back to Procreate for the finishing touches.