Fire Feet

From my blog, 30th May 2004:

A family gathering means that I meet up with George, aged 7, my great nephew. At a previous family party he and I collaborated on a story, Firefeet. George improvised the story – and for once I was careful not to prompt him, or discuss the plot with him, it was entirely from his own imagination – and I drew the illustrations as the story progressed. George kept the original copy, which was just on a piece of folded scrap paper but I was so haunted by the tale that I wrote it out again from memory, redrew the illustrations, coloured it in Photoshop and printed out a few copies on my colour printer.

George aged 6.
Swatches used when I coloured my scanned pen drawings for ‘Fire Feet’ (mainly using the paint bucket tool).

Firefeet Reignited

Aged just six, George came up with a story about a boy called ‘Firefeet’. During a family party, I illustrated it as he told me the tale line by line. I was so impressed that I did a printed, colour, version of it from memory when I got home.

For his latest birthday, yesterday, I thought it was time to catch up with his incendiary character.
