Cat’s-ear, Hypochaeris radicata, flowering and going to seed on the front lawn, which I left untrimmed during ‘No Mow May’ but which is now due for strimming.
Tag: cats ear
Every Flower Counts
In this year’s ‘Every Flower Counts’ survey at the end of ‘No Mow May’ I’ve got double the amount of germander speedwell flowers that I counted last year.
During the time it took to count the 167 speedwell flowers, I saw one pollinator, a common summer migrant hoverfly, Eupeodes corollae. This is looks like the male.
Plant Life informs me:
Your nectar sugar could support…
14 honeybee workers for a day
Plant Life
4 hour-long foraging flight for an adult bumblebee
1 adult bumblebees to fly for a day