Animal Eurovision

Google Translate is so useful when you need to find the Polish for ‘birthday’.

Eurovision cartoon

Just after I’d put this card in the post to Thalia in Glasgow we heard that Liverpool had been chosen to host Eurovision.

The Plumbing Olympics

cartoon - plumbing olympics

We’ve all been there; searching for a birthday card for a body-building plumber.

cycling in France cartoon

Or for a cyclist who lives abroad. Actually Harry lives in the Isle of Man, not France, but I think that Google Translate would have struggled to come up with enough cycling expressions. Motorbikes, perhaps.

Game of Scones

scones cartoon

Guardian critic Victor Lewis-Smith once slated the “Yorkshire Fat Rascal” as ‘an obese scone’, ‘a Yorkshire indelicacy’ and characterised the “Yorkshire rarebit with chopped fresh chives in Yorkshire Cobble bread” as ‘a self-aggrandising toastie’.* Ouch.

It’ll be all right on the night.

My favourite ‘Yorkshire indelicacy’ at Bettys’ is the Yorkshire Curd Tart. No one does a Yorkshire Curd Tart like Bettys. And it’s not just me who thinks that. Last time we were at RHS Harlow Carr we took our Latino Lattes out to a bench in the gardens and a robin hopped about around my our feet and beneath the bench, hoping we’d drop the odd crumb. Some hope.

But I did select one small, soft raisin and held it out at ground level. After some hesitation the robin darted forward and took it from my hand. It then went and perched in a bush behind us and burst into song.

*Guardian, 29 January 2005.

Barcode Safari

Barcode zoo cartoon

Happy birthday to Florence.

Barcode 5018 4453 isn’t as fierce as depicted; it’s from the top of a jar of Marmite.

tiger cartoon


Star Wars party cartoon

Great Star Wars party at the weekend. Happy birthday today to Ruby. Or, as they’d say in Wookieespeak . . .
