A primary feather from the right wing of a tawny owl, which I picked up on thee lakeside path at Newmillerdam in the summer.
Richard Bell's nature sketchbook since 1998
A primary feather from the right wing of a tawny owl, which I picked up on thee lakeside path at Newmillerdam in the summer.
Rowan leaf from the tree in our front garden.
Next door’s staghorn sumac might be falling to pieces as it sheds its reddening compound leaves but the birds appreciate it. A party of blue tits and great tits forage every niche on its bark and branches, while a small warbler, tagging along with them, checks out the lower branches. Starlings fly in to eat the small berries, botanically drupes.
In local parkland, this wasps’ nest at the foot of an oak has been raided, presumably by a badger. You can see the remaining wasps clustered on the remnants of the nest.
We’re used to seeing the grey squirrels burying acorns and collecting sweet chestnuts but this autumn they’re showing a lot of interest in conkers. Just after I’d photographed this nibbled shell, a squirrel bounded across the path with a large conker in its mouth and headed into the cover of a holly.
Canada goose plumage swatches, drawn on the iPad in Procreate for my Naturalist Animal Illustration with Procreate Domestika course by Román García Mora.
Fur and feather textures drawn for my Naturalist Animal Illustration with Procreate
Domestika course by Román García Mora, using some of the virtual brushes he created.
It’s so long since I drew in London so I took the opportunity as we waited for a train to draw St Pancras from a bench in the welcome shade of the Francis Crick Institute.
Along the towpath: buff-tip caterpillar; the brandy-bottle seed-pod (botanically it’s a berry) of yellow water-lily; an orb-web spider getting lucky and water fern turning red amongst the duckweed and floating pennywort.
On the news stands now, my latest Dalesman nature diary.
This handsome guy drawn by Florence kicks off my ‘Homemade Card’ gallery. Happy birthday to Florence and Ruby.
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