I’ve never done Inktober because it’s too near to real life for me but when I heard about NaNoWriMo – a challenge to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of November, I couldn’t resist it. It’s free to sign up, if you want to give it a go.

As you can see from my project page I’ve so far written zero words, but at least I’ve designed a cover.

Here’s my summary:
Looking out on the ocean. Currents in our lives and eddies in history. And a bit of marine biology. I love marine biology. Returning tides, a secret garden surrounded by blank walls and blocked doorways . . . and redemption. Just say if you think If’m being too ambitious!
And an extract, difficult to choose an extract when I haven’t started writing it yet, but this was a quote from a recent conversation:
“I used to dive but now I have an irrational fear of the sea. I know where all of the fish live and what they can do to me. If there’s a strip of grass at the top of the beach I can sit there, but I can’t go on the beach.”
Well, it’s a start . . . only 49,950 words to go.