Chicken Heroes

chicken roughs

It can be a hard life, being a cartoonist, sitting in the corner of the Capri brainstorming chicken superheroes for Marvel (no, not that Marvel, these are for a chicken-mad superhero fan of the same name).

Attila the Hen

So, lets get them in order this time, in the order they come in the name ‘Marvel’. First up (after RedCap the rooster, haven’t drawn him yet) is Attila the Hen. Could be related to a Marvel superhero who is handy with an axe.

more chickens

Next, meet Vorwerk and E.N.

LegHorn the superchicken

And finally LegHorn, the superchicken, and doesn’t he know it. Colour scheme taken from a Leghorn cockerel.

Categorized as cartoon