Amongst the ripening sloes on the blackthorn are a few pocket plum galls. Pocket plum, also known as bladder plum gall, Taphrina pruni, is caused by a fungus.

There were plenty of ringlet butterflies weaving about at grass-top height in this meadow between Cawthorne and Cannon Hall Park. We thought that we spotted a single meadow brown and a skipper too.

Settling more often than the ringlets were a few fresh-looking commas. I say fresh-looking but they look like a ragged-edge dead leaf when the wings are folded shut.

Sitting outside at a table at Hillary’s cafe in Cawthorne village, I couldn’t resist drawing this chimney on a cottage across the road. It includes chimney pots of various vintages, stone, cement, brick and lead with some textured rendering on the stack plus on a tuft or two of grass and a television aerial as a final touch.