Prehistoric Animals

prehistoric animals

You couldn’t accuse me of lacking in ambition. As a seven year old my first attempted book project was to write and illustrate Prehistoric Animals, my own take on the history of our planet.

plans for a museum
My plans for a Prehistoric Museum, which I reckoned was ‘not hard to make’.
My homemade dust-jacket for one of my favourite books, Prehistoric World by Carrol Lane Fenton.

I enthusiastically drew Tyrannosaurus striding past a tree fern. So far, so good, but now for the difficult bit. With my wobbly lettering the text was going to be a challenge.

‘Tyrannosaurus,’ I wrote and – phew – I got the spelling right, but then I continued: ‘had 200 theet.’

In my efforts to produce my neatest writing I’d misspelled ‘teeth’.

Tertiary era title page
I never got further than the title page for the Tertiary era.
Categorized as Drawing