As so often, something – perhaps the buzzard – put up the wood pigeons and they’re perching in the top branches of the two tall ash trees, surveying the scene, as if waiting for the all-clear. There are still patches of snow amongst the clumps of grasses in the meadow.
I was hastily drawing this on a busy day before popping out for an annual blood pressure check at the doctors’. The idea was the therapeutic process of drawing and tuning into the natural world would calm me down. It didn’t work! But they’re giving me a second chance so I’ll give myself more chance to settle down before my return visit next week.

It was more relaxing today when we were able to take the morning off to go to Blacker Hall cafe, giving me chance to draw the view from the cafe over coffee and cranberry scones.

There wasn’t time to add the watercolour so I took a photograph and added it later.