The Monster Book

Perhaps I should have left it in it’s component pieces as in my previous post, but no, I just had to see it animated.

As previously, this is animated using Adobe Animate but the set up here is slightly more complicated as each component – arm, jaw, leg – is a separate Movie Clip Symbol on a separate layer.

A Monster of Many Parts


The final animation in the Cartooning book and this time it’s getting quite ambitious, constructing a dinosaur from separate pieces of artwork, so it will be animated like a cut-out shadow puppet. I look forward to seeing how it works out but I like it at this stage, in its component pieces. It reminds me of plastic dinosaur construction kits. In the mid-1970s I had to supply illustrations for John Man’s The Day of the Dinosaur. I bought all the dinosaur kits that I could find and presented them to my brother Bill who was recovering from appendicitis. Being the caring brother that I am, I also supplied him with the appropriate plastic enamel paints and got him to paint them too. I’ve still got all the models.