Great Brome

great brome

It droops like oats and it has long awns like barley. As this is growing at the edge of a wheat field, I’m guessing that it is great brome, Anisantha diandra, although there are some similar-looking species. Great brome is a grass from the Mediterranean region which grows on waste ground, roadsides and field edges.

The Wikipedia reports that it, and a similar brome, also get referred to as ‘ripgut brome’ in some parts of the world, where the species have become troublesome weeds.

Categorized as Farmland

Table Talk

Sofia's table

Another lockdown birthday, this time for Sofia, aged 12, who created a table character for a booklet of What am I? puzzles.

Just been talking to a neighbour who’s a teacher. Getting schools running again is proving an even more difficult than closing them.