I think that my previous small plastic weed knife might have ended up in a bucket destined for the compost heap, so I had the perfect excuse for upgrading to a Darlac Bamboo Weed Knife, which is a big improvement. I was drawing these while listening to today’s Adobe podcast and perhaps because of the distraction, I made a mistake with the proportion of the blade (it’s not quite that long).
The bent screwdriver has in the past been used for weeding crevices between paving and it’s also opened many cans of paint. I often took it to Pageant Players to open cans of emulsion that hadn’t been opened since the previous year’s production. This was my dad’s best ratchet screwdriver and I remember my horror when I bent it as he was liable to become explosively angry when tools went astray!
My favourite pair of secateurs were an unmissable bargain ten or so years ago but they cut better the others that we use. A satisfyingly crisp ‘snip’ as you cut through anything up to about half an inch thick.
Drawing this, I realised that my current favourite pen is the Lamy Vista with the Extra Fine nib, used in the lower two drawings. It’s a bit freer flowing than the TWSBI Ecot, which might be the one I’d favour if I was ever aiming for precision and detail.