First Snow

snow sketchSnow settled yesterday evening, the first covering that we’ve had during a mild, wet winter. It brought more than the usual one or two siskins to the feeder this morning: six or more.

Snow is a strange thing to draw. In fact you hardly draw it at all, it’s mainly the white spaces that are left when you’ve drawn everything around it.


    1. Thank you Sandra. I always find that the on screen version loses out compared with the original sketchbook page, which I’ve got here on my desk. I might try putting in a few larger than life details so that you can see more of the texture of the original.

    1. Thank you Jan, I’ve got memories of my mum a year ago on what I think was the only really snowy day, sitting in her bed overlooking the parkland and, despite her failing eyesight, saying ‘Is it snowing?’ But she never really settled in and complained that the place was ‘full of old people sleeping in chairs! . . . I can’t spend the rest of my life like this.’ I’m hoping that we can get Maggie Smith if we ever make a movie of her life story.

  1. Your drawings are so gentle and lovely. And yes, loss can unmoor us, but the unmooring can also draw us to new places, good ones. I hope that’s true for you.

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